Map Of Adelaide 1849
Plan Of Country Sections &c In The Immediate Vicinity Of The City Of Adelaide
In The Province Of South Australia 1849.
The Map
Map Title |
Plan Of Country Sections &c In The Immediate Vicinity Of The City Of Adelaide In The Province Of South Australia. |
Year |
1849 |
Publisher |
James Chaplin Hailes
Publisher Details |
Adelaide : Sold at Platts's Library, Hindley Street, corner of King William Street
And may be had of J.C. Hailes, 104 Leadenhall Strt, London.
Publication Year |
Late 1849 / Early 1850 |
Size |
71.8cm x 65.2cm (28¼" x 25¾") |
Scale |
Not given.
1" : ¾ Statute Mile (Approx.) |
Description |
Hand coloured engraved map. Paper, dissected and mounted on linen, folding into protective cloth covered boards. Label for 'Platt's Stationery Warehouse' on inside cover.
The map includes the names of Adelaide areas that have long since disappeared, including Tenterden, Miners' Village, Tam O'Shanter (known as the Tam O'Shanter Belt), Twickenham, Cowandilla, and Hammersmith.
Some quite familiar places carry their original names, such as Le Fevre's Peninsula, Albert Town (that became Alberton), Queens Town, Edwards Town, the Great North Road (now Main North Road), the Great Eastern Road (now Glen Osmond Road), and the River Thames at Glenelg (now the Patawalonga).
The map also shows the proposed route of the tramway to Mr Strangways' at the North Arm, Port Adelaide; the Government Farm; and the Montacute Copper Mine, Riverside Silver Mine, and Victoria Gold Mine.
The only watercourses labeled on the map are the Dry Creek, Brownhill Creek, the River Torrens, and the River Sturt.
'Fuller's' is shown and labeled on the Great North Road at the Dry Creek. This would probably have been the 'Bird in Hand' public house, which John Fuller had taken over as licencee from John Stuckey on 12 June 1848. Fuller passed on the licence to John Merryweather on 11 September 1849, helping to date this map between these two dates.
It is worth noting that Fuller was living at the Dry Creek as early as 1847, so further research is required to determine if Fuller was perhaps an unlicenced victualler prior to 1848. This seems unlikely, as John Hill was running the 'Dry Creek Inn' on the road to Gawler Town from at least 14 August 1844. On that particular day, a crowd had gathered at the Inn to cheer on Captain Sturt's expedition to search for the inland sea, as they headed up the Great North Road.

Platts's Stationery Warehouse Label
The proposal for construction of a railway from Port Adelaide to the City of Adelaide was first announced on 6 January 1849 (South Australian Register, Saturday, 6 January 1849, page 2 column a), and by 23 May a proposed route to Mr Strangways' at Newport, North Arm, was being discussed (South Australian Register, Wednesday 23 May 1849, page 3 column c).
Given the information above, it seems likely that this map can be dated between 23 May 1849 and 11 September 1849.
The map was first advertised for sale in The South Australian newspaper on Tuesday 12 March 1850 (page 3, column c):
Important Information To The Public.
------ |
JUST Published, a New Zincographic Map of the Country Sections in the Vicinity of Adelaide; the largest and most correct ever issued. Price Seven Shillings, to be obtained at |
PLATT'S Library
Auction Mart Portico, and
Hindley-street. |
Six advertisements for the map subsequently appeared on page 1 of The South Australian between 15 March 1850 and 5 April 1850, with the name of Platts's Library correctly shown in the ad.
A small article on the map was published in The South Australian on Friday 15 March 1850 (page 2, column c):
------ |
MAP OF ADELAIDE AND THE SURROUNDING DISTRICTS. Platts, Adelaide, Hailes, London. -- We have much pleasure in recommending to the attention of the business community this new map, which appears to us the most complete yet published. The whole of the sections within ten miles of Adelaide are accurately delineated, with the localities of the following villages and places of note : -- Cowandilla, Richmond, North Richmond, Twickenham, Plympton, Hammersmith, Edwards Town, Glenelg, River Thames, Marion, Brighton, Seacombe, Marino, Unley, Brownhill Creek, Mitcham, Government Farm, Great Eastern Road, Kensington, Mackgill, Riversedge, Silver, Montacute, Copper, and Victoria Gold Mines, Dry Creek, Great North Road, Prospect, Bowden, Hindmarsh, Thebarton, Tam O'Shanter, Alberton, Queen's Town, Miners' Village, Port Adelaide, Lefevre's Peninsula, North Arm, Torrens, and Garden Islands. The map will supply a desideratum long wanted by the public. |
The following dates relate to the first known reference, survey, or purchase of the Country Sections bearing a name on this map. The date of 1848 for the establishment of Queen's Town further supports the 1849 date of the map.
Section No. |
Place |
Named or Established |
Notes (Coming Soon) |
Section 1 |
Thebarton |
Surveyed July 1839 |
Section 51 |
Edwards Town |
November 1838 |
Section 52 |
Hammersmith |
By May 1845 |
First newspaper reference in the South Australian Register, Saturday, 17 May 1845 (page 3 column c). This is an early record of Hammersmith in Section 52.
Hammersmith was later also associated with a portion of the adjacent Section 92, owned by Henry Hudd. |
Section 90 |
Richmond |
1839 |
Section 92 |
Cowandilla |
1840 |
Sections 94 & 95 |
North Richmond |
By June 1841 |
See the South Australian Register, Saturday 12 June 1841 (page 4 column a) |
Section 103 |
Twickenham |
1839 |
Section 108 |
Plympton |
By 1840 as Plympton Hamlets |
Section 117 |
Marion |
November 1838 |
Section 200 |
Seacombe |
By April 1843 |
See the South Australian Register, Saturday 29 April 1843 (page 3 column a) |
Section 221 |
Goodwood |
Blocks sold in early 1840s |
Sections 236, 237 & 238 |
Brighton |
1839 |
Section 238 |
Unley |
By 1840 |
Section 244 |
Marino |
By 1840 |
Section 248 |
Mitcham |
By c1840 |
Section 285 |
Magill |
Surveyed October 1838 |
Section 285 |
Payneham |
Advertised October 1838 |
Section 289 |
Kensington |
Surveyed November 1838 |
Section 353 |
Hindmarsh |
18 July 1838 |
Section 354 |
Bowden |
By July 1839 |
See the South Australian Register, Saturday, 27 July 1839 (page 2 column b) |
Section 374 |
Prospect |
1838 |
Sections 379 & 392 |
Tam O'Shanter |
1838 |
Section 409 |
Tenterden |
By 1840 |
Section 423 |
Albert Town |
7 March 1839 |
Section 425 |
Miner's Village |
By February 1845 |
See the South Australian, Friday, 14 February 1845 (page 3 column c) |
Section 443 |
Queen's Town |
By June 1848 |
Partially surveyed and offered for sale by 22 June 1848.
(The South Australian newspaper, Friday 23 June 1848, page 3, column d) |
Section 5521 |
Anstey |
By 1840s |
Sections 5537 & 5538 |
Riversedge |
By January 1847 |
See the South Australian, Tuesday, 19 January 1847 (page 5 column c) |
Sections 5537 & 5538 |
Silver Mine |
Section 5586 |
Montacute Copper Mine |
Section 5597 |
Victoria Gold Mine |
N/A |
Glenelg |
1836 |
N/A |
Holdfast Bay |
1836 |
N/A |
Mount Lofty |
23 March 1802 |
N/A |
River Thames |
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